Advanced Topics in Predictive Analytics (ATPA) Grader

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Starts: 05-16-2024


How does this role benefit the work of the organization and the profession?
This role supports the education and credentialing activities of the SOA, in particular the grading for the Advanced Topics in Predictive Analytics (ATPA) Assessment, to ensure the integrity of the SOA’s credentials.
Responsibilities & Duties
The SOA is looking for volunteers to support the ATPA Assessment, which presents candidates with a data set and a realistic business problem. Candidates prepare a report that presents and supports their solution. Volunteers will become familiar with assigned syllabus and assessment materials. The responsibilities and duties will include:
 • Attending grader training (virtual)
• Reading and understanding the assigned syllabus material/modules
• Grading assessments as assigned
• Providing effective feedback for failing candidates using grading rubrics and scoring documents
 • Completing Standard SOA Volunteer Training Module(s) and Agreements, and ensuring that all e-Learning Materials are kept confidential and private, maintaining confidentiality in accordance with the SOA Education Confidentiality Agreement    • Maintaining your own personal grading schedule: o Selecting submissions from the grading queue and assigning a grade in a timely fashion o Communicating grading availability via the online grading Commitment Calendar
• Liaising with ATPA Assessment Grading Chair, ATPA Assessment Graders and SOA Staff 
• Informing ATPA Grading Chair of issues that arise Training will be provided for:
• Knowledge and understanding of the goals, tasks and solutions for the assessment.
• Assessment grading in the SOA Learning Management System (LMS) and processing for accurately entering grades and feedback
Time Commitment/Hours
5-10 hours
Time Commitment - Description *
We ask that graders commit to this position for 3 years. 2-3 hours per month during grading cycles (3x a year) Your grading schedule is flexible, such that you may grade at times that are most convenient for you within the grading cycle.
Experience Required - Designation
Member ASA or FSA
Experience Required - Description
1) Familiarity/expertise on preparing data for a predictive model through joins, subsetting, and general cleaning
 2) Experience with building and explaining predictive models generally and
 3) Either experience or a desire to learn multiple of the following specific methodologies: Bayesian modeling, mixed models, neural networks, stacked and blended models, and additive models. Knowledge around analytics and having written the PA exam or taken other SOA education on analytics is preferred.
Opportunity Location
Opportunity Location
Global - e-Learning Opportunity
Travel Required
SOA Training Required
Graders are trained via online reading material, sample paper grading and a conference call with the Grading Chair. Graders will have the opportunity to ask questions and communicate with other graders. Attendance at meetings is optional and encouraged. However, recordings of training calls will be available to new graders.
Primary Area of Practice
Not Applicable
Predictive Analytics


Accounting and Finance
Capital Management
Commercial Lines
Disability Income Insurance
Employee Health Benefits
Financial Reporting
General Insurance/Property Casualty
Health Insurance - Commercial
Health Insurance – Public Systems
Investment and Asset Liability Management
Liability Insurance
Life Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance
Not applicable
Other Post-Employment Benefits
Personal Lines
Predictive Analytics
Private Sector - Pension
Product Pricing/Development
Property Insurance
Provider Systems
Public Sector - Pension
Public Systems/Social Insurance
Risk Management
Risk Management
Specialty Lines
Workers Compensation Insurance


SOA Volunteer
Society of Actuaries

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