Responsibilities & Duties
Review needs of practice research in the Property / Casualty, General Insurance and Catastrophe practice areas; recommend and review new practice research projects; assist in evaluating research proposals
Time Commitment
- Time commitment will vary depending on the number of POG’s applicant chooses to volunteer for and the depth/complexity of the research project being overseen.
- A typical committee member participates in one or two POGs per year.
- Approximately 60-65 hours per POG; could go as high as 114 hours per year
- This includes preparation for and participation in one committee call per month (12 hours per year) and one in-person meeting per year (10 hours).
Experience Required
- SOA members only
- Moderate to high experience in property & casualty actuarial topics.
- Looking for individuals with some experience in working with diverse perspectives in general insurance.
- Some experience in working with CAS, CIA, IFOA, SOA or other actuarial research initiatives preferred.
Opportunity Location
Non-country specific
Travel Required
One in-person meeting per year
SOA Training Required