Research - DeFi Insurance Project Oversight Group

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Signup Deadline: 04-21-2022
Starts: 04-22-2022
Ends: 04-23-2022


How does this role benefit the work of the organization and the profession?

Volunteers on a Project Oversight Group help to ensure a quality SOA research product, which results in providing the profession reliable and practical tools/information. 

Responsibilities & Duties

Project Oversight Groups (POGs) provide guidance and input to researchers, oversee the progress of the work, and ensure it is in line with the proposal. POG members are expected to review draft materials prior to conference calls and provide input during the calls. It is expected that there will be one-hour conference calls approximately monthly for the duration of the project.

This project is comprised of two deliverables.

The first report is to shed light on the fast development of decentralized insurance alternatives and their innovations in business models and processes that may have significant implications for the current insurance model and the actuarial profession. The deliverable for the first part of the project will be a report that provides the reader with an understanding of the possibilities, advantages, and challenges of decentralized insurance. The outline of the first deliverable is as below:

  • The current market landscape of decentralized insurance alternatives
  • Innovations in key processes
  • The opportunities and challenges decentralized insurance alternatives face and their implications for traditional insurance models and the actuarial profession

The second is to create a comprehensive classification framework for risks associated with the existing and emerging decentralized finance protocols. This framework will guide the product design, offering, and underwriting practices of a new generation of insurance and risk management products for decentralized finance. The research aims to raise awareness in the actuarial professional community about the rapidly emerging risks and opportunities that are disruptive in nature. The deliverable for the second part of the project will be a report that provides the reader with a generalized risk classification framework. The outline is as below:

  • Define and analyze cybersecurity risks for decentralized finance protocols in terms of technical design, economic design, human factors, and other risk factors
  • Review of past incidents of economic losses across multiple blockchain ecosystems
  • Case study of major incidents

Time Commitment
– 11-20 hours

Most time will be reviewing materials and participating in conference calls.

Experience Required

Open to Members, Non-Members, and Candidates

Also, ASA or FSA

Opportunity Location

Non-Country Specific

Travel Required


SOA Training Required




Additional Specializations  

Open to all specializations


Accounting and Finance
Capital Management
Commercial Lines
Disability Income Insurance
Employee Health Benefits
Financial Reporting
General Insurance/Property Casualty
Health Insurance - Commercial
Health Insurance – Public Systems
Investment and Asset Liability Management
Liability Insurance
Life Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance
Not applicable
Other Post-Employment Benefits
Personal Lines
Predictive Analytics
Private Sector - Pension
Product Pricing/Development
Property Insurance
Provider Systems
Public Sector - Pension
Public Systems/Social Insurance
Risk Management
Risk Management
Specialty Lines
Workers Compensation Insurance


SOA Volunteer
Society of Actuaries